The article deals with the modern problem of developing the endurance of girls aged16–17 years by means of fitness, the feasibility of using fitness as a modern type of physical activity.Endurance is one of the most important physical qualities needed in the rapidly changing realities ofmodern life-in physical and psychological aspects. Endurance is a multifunctional property of thehuman body and integrates a large number of processes that occur at various levels: from the cellularto the whole organism. The leading role in the manifestation of endurance belongs to the factors ofenergy metabolism and the vegetative systems that provide it, namely, the cardiovascular, respiratory,and Central nervous system. Endurance training has a beneficial effect on a person”s mental stability.It educates moral and volitional qualities, and especially forms patience and the preservation ofpsychological stability to the effects of external factors. In the modern world, these advantagesare especially important, because life activity in conditions of constant stress, the requirementsof accelerated adaptation, reaction, and the influence of external stimuli becomes difficult for aperson, sometimes unbearable and leads to” emotional burnout “and Manager”s syndrome”. Thehealth of the nation and future generations is largely determined by the health of women. Womenare a large and active part of the population of our country, performing both reproductive anda number of important social functions. Their high-quality performance requires a high level ofmental and General physical stability, namely endurance. Fitness is a progressive trend that integratesphysical activity, proper nutrition, adherence to healthy lifestyle, and is also interesting to younggirls as a modern youth direction of physical activity. The age of 16–17 years is part of the sensitiveperiod of girls “endurance development. A comprehensive assessment of the method of endurancedevelopment is based on changes in the level of General, coordination, strength and psychologicalendurance, changes in the indicators of the cardio-respiratory system and the psychological and emotional component. In order to test the working hypothesis, a natural open parallel pedagogicalexperiment was conducted. The method of endurance development based on a combination ofmeans and methods of classical aerobics, power aerobics, functional, jumping-running and recoveryexercises, combined in qualitative and quantitative composition, with a clear pattern of alternatingtypes of fitness classes and regular use of developed sets of exercises created for girls of high schoolage. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the functional state of the subjectsimproved, and the necessary training and psychological effect was achieved. The presented analysisof the research results proves the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the developmentof endurance.
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