What drives membrane proteins to fold and oligomerize in lipid bilayers? One possibility is that protein-protein interactions stabilize the assembled state. In membrane proteins, interfaces are typically lined by non-polar residues offering weak van der Waals interactions (VDW), yet a large network of these might confer strong stability. To investigate the role of side-chain VDW interactions on the free energy of membrane protein complex formation, we have made a library of mutations on the dimerization interface of the CLC-ec1 Cl-/H+ antiporter - a model system that we have developed to measure equilibrium dimerization in lipid bilayers. The interface is comprised of four alpha-helices lined by non-polar residues: I - F219, I220, I223, I227; H - L194, I197, I198, I201; P - L406, I409, I410, L413; Q - I422A, L423A, I426A, I430A, I434A. We systematically mutated each helix surface to alanine (all-ALA), stripping the interface of its VDW interactions. In all cases the protein expresses, is stable and upon reconstitution in membranes, shows Cl- transport activity comparable to wild-type CLC-ec1. We ran gel-filtration chromatography over the course of one week to screen the stoichiometry of the protein in detergent. All-ALA helix I, P & Q are stable dimers, however all-ALA helix H showed shifts to monomer directly after purification. Furthermore, single-mutant L194A was sufficient to shift the protein to a monomer-dimer mixture. Because helix H interacts with helix P, and all-ALA helix P is still dimeric, these results suggest that dimer stability cannot be explained by VDW interactions alone, at least in detergent. We are currently measuring the change in free energy of CLC-ec1 dimerization with these subtractive mutations to quantify the role of VDW interactions in membrane protein assembly.
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