Statement of the problem. In recent years, the state of safety and working conditions at Ukrainian production facilities has continued to be difficult and dangerous, especially at construction companies (one of the ten most injury-prone industries), as evidenced by official statistics on occupational injuries, while Ukraine is living in a state of war. Huge sums of money from the state reserve funds, the Pension Fund, and the owners of enterprises themselves are spent on eliminating the consequences of industrial accidents, accidents, occupational diseases, and on helping victims and families of those killed at work. Ukraine has adopted many laws and regulations on occupational health and safety, including those that, in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand, have adapted Ukrainian legislation to that of the European Union, within the framework of which work is actively underway to implement a risk-based approach at the state level in the system of managing the economic safety and health of employees who are citizens of Ukraine. Business leaders (employers) understand the responsibility for the life and health of employees, the need to create proper, safe and healthy working conditions, and care about the economic development of the business, despite the high risks of today's hazards. Objective. To analyze the most effective ways of economic impact of occupational health and safety regulation, taking into account the risk-oriented approach, while maintaining the economic development of the company. Conclusion. The analysis of the most effective ways of economic impact of occupational health and safety regulation, taking into account the risk-oriented approach, shows that in the current conditions of development of enterprises in our country, it is difficult to find a universal solution that would simultaneously meet the requirements for the budget for financing occupational health and safety measures, the speed and quality of its implementation, and at the same time reduce risks in the field of occupational health and safety at workplaces. Therefore, it is difficult to predict which of these ways plays a primary role and which are acceptable, and how to ensure the efficiency of the entire system. Professional, comprehensive occupational health and safety cost planning will help to find the perfect balance between the measures taken and their economic benefits. The complexity of applying several options for economic regulation of occupational health and safety will allow the company to operate smoothly, without conflicts and have a sustainable operation, which will allow for economic growth, the organization's development strategy for the near future, and will also reduce risks in the field of occupational health and safety by taking effective preventive measures.
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