Hardware Trojans pose a significant threat to the security and integrity of cryptographic systems, particularly in Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) implementations, which are widely used in securing sensitive data. These malicious modifications to integrated circuits (ICs) can compromise the confidentiality and reliability of AES cryptographic operations by introducing covert backdoors, information leakage channels, or functional disruptions. Hardware Trojans are typically designed to evade detection during design-time validation and post-manufacturing testing, often activating only under specific triggers such as rare input patterns or environmental conditions. In AES systems, Trojans can manipulate the encryption process by leaking secret keys through side-channel information such as power consumption, timing variations, or electromagnetic emissions. Some Trojans directly alter the encryption algorithm, weakening the cryptographic strength and rendering encrypted data vulnerable to attacks. Attackers may also embed Trojans at the Register Transfer Level (RTL) or gate-level design, leveraging the inherent complexity of AES circuits to conceal their presence. Detection and mitigation of hardware Trojans in AES implementations are challenging due to their stealthy nature. Techniques such as side-channel analysis, functional verification, and static code analysis have been developed, but sophisticated Trojans often bypass these methods. Advanced countermeasures include runtime monitoring, hardware obfuscation, and Trojan-resilient design methodologies. This paper explores the implications of hardware Trojans in AES cryptographic systems, analysing their design, potential attack vectors, and impacts on data security. Furthermore, it discusses state-of-the-art detection and prevention techniques, highlighting gaps and future research directions. Given the critical role of AES in securing financial, military, and consumer data, addressing the hardware Trojan threat is paramount to ensuring trust in cryptographic hardware and safeguarding against adversarial exploitation.
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