<p>本文分享財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會推動「環境安全諮詢計畫」,由兩位國內專家輔導委員及一位國外ACHSI輔導委員以緊急應變計畫、建築與設備、管理機制三大方面進入輔導過程,本文大致分享以國內醫療機構面臨機構建築設備老舊維護困難,在既有建築物空間規劃設計上,防災及疏散因應措施相較薄弱,如何以合宜的因應措施及編列合理改善預算,提升環境安全及災害應變能力,保障人員安全與健康,維持醫療正常營運及財產損害控管。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>This manuscript shares the experience of participating in the &ldquo;Environmental Safety Consultation Program&rdquo; promoted by the Joint Commission of Taiwan. The program was guided by two domestic expert advisors and one international advisor from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards International, focusing on three major aspects: emergency response plans, architecture and facilities, and management mechanisms. This manuscript broadly discusses how healthcare institutions in Taiwan, facing challenges with the maintenance of outdated buildings and facilities, and weak disaster prevention and evacuation measures due to existing architectural and spatial planning, can implement suitable response measures and allocate reasonable budgets for improvements. The goals are to enhance environmental safety and disaster response capabilities, ensure the safety and health of personnel, maintain normal medical operations, and manage property damage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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