Abstract The trial was conducted in a 30 yr old Bartlett pear block with chemicals applied to 4 single tree replicates arranged in a RCB. Materials were applied with conventional, high pressure hand gun equipment and sprayed to runoff or about 400 gpa. Each chemical was applied three times in a season-long, phenologically timed CM program. Two different timings were employed, based on CM biofix as determined by the first male moth captured in pheromone baited traps. A standard larvicidal timing was used in treatments receiving Guthion, A 303,603 and one treatment of RH 5992. This standard program consisted of a first application at about 250 degree days (dd) following biofix; the second 28 days later and the final at about 1250 dd, or 250 dd after the predicted emergence of second generation moths. Corresponding dates to the above schedule were 12—13 May, 9 Jun and 13 Jul. An ovicidal timing was employed for the insect growth regulator (IGR) fenoxycarb. The timings for fenoxycarb was a first application at 50-100 dd after biofix (27 Apr), the second 28 days after the first, and the third at 1050 dd (7 Jul). Evaluation of CM damage was made by recording the number of larval entries per 50 fruit per replicate at the end of the first CM generations (7-9 Jul) and again at harvest (17 Aug). Densities of PP immatures, spider mites (TSM, ERM) and PRM were estimated at three post-treatment intervals (20 Jun, 25 Jul, 16 Aug) by recording their numbers from brushing of 20 leaves (10 old, 10 new) per replicate. Adult PP and predators (lacewings, earwigs, and predaceous bugs) were estimated from two beating tray samples per replicate taken on 22 Jun, 27 Jul, and 19 Aug.