
Abstract Fifteen insecticide treatments were evaluated for control of SCB at St. Gabriel Research Station, St. Gabriel, LA. A RCB design with 5 replications was used in a field of first ratoon sugarcane. Insecticide treatments were applied to 3-row plots (0.05 acre) using a CO2 sprayer mounted on an ATV (all terrain vehicle) on 7 and 28 Jul, and 25 Aug. Three 8005 flat fan spray tips per 6 ft width of row at 35 psi delivered 20 gpa. Initial treatment was made when the SCB infestation exceeded the economic threshold (5% of the stalks containing live larvae in the leafsheaths); succeeding applications occurred when reinfestations began to appear in the Guthion/Baythroid treatment. Prior to the initiation of the experiment, 1 application of Lorsban 15G was broadcast (15.0 lb/acre) to suppress red imported fire ant predation on SCB larvae (Jun 13). SCB damage was assessed by counting the bored intemodes, moth emergence holes, and total number of intemodes per stalk from 75 randomly selected stalks of sugarcane (15 stalks/plot) in each treatment (20 Oct). All of the Confirm treatments were applied with Triton CS-7 at 0.125% v/v. Following ANOV, separation of means was by LSD.

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