Abstract The need for effective Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding became inevitable due to the rise of terahertz range technologies based electronic devices in civil, military and healthcare domains. In this paper we analyzed shielding performances of multilayered textile sheets with flexible polymeric substrate. The analysis considered factors like sensitivity of shielding effectiveness, conductivity of polymer inter-layers, thickness of textiles and frequency range. Many researchers contributed to the problem of EM shielding. The literature revealed that carbon based shielding is not mechanically flexible. Metal based shielding is heavy weight and not easy for tuning performance. Synthetic material with laminated sheets containing textile fabrics and conductive polymers was found a promising solution. Recently Aloia et al. explored shielding performances of flexible multilayer screens based on chemically doped graphene on polymer substrate. However, their research was not considering textiles. Textiles with polymer substrate will have impact in making EM shielding. Therefore further investigation is required to focus on textiles with conductive polymers in making EM shielding. This is the focus of the paper which analyzes various combinations and permutations of textile sheets and polymer substrate. Our mathematical and analytical results revealed that the proposed methodology can help improve decision making on EM shielding effectiveness significantly.
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