We have studied the decay of turbulence in the solar wind. Fluctuations carried by the expanding wind are naturally damped because of flux conservation, slowing down the development of a turbulent cascade. The latter also damps fluctuations but results in plasma heating. We analyzed time series of the velocity and magnetic field ($ v $ and $ B $, respectively) obtained by the WIND spacecraft at 1 au. Fluctuations were recast in terms of the Elsasser variables, $ z v B rho $, with rho being the average density, and their second- and third-order structure functions were used to evaluate the Politano-Pouquet relation, modified to account for the effect of expansion. We find that expansion plays a major role in the Alfv\'enic stream, those for which $z_+ z_-$. In such a stream, expansion damping and turbulence damping act, respectively, on large and small scales for $z_+$, and also balance each other. Instead, $z_-$ is only subject to a weak turbulent damping because expansion is a negligible loss at large scales and a weak source at inertial range scales. These properties are in qualitative agreement with the observed evolution of energy spectra that is described by a double power law separated by a break that sweeps toward lower frequencies for increasing heliocentric distances. However, the data at 1 au indicate that injection by sweeping is not enough to sustain the turbulent cascade. We derived approximate decay laws of energy with distance that suggest possible solutions for the inconsistency: in our analysis, we either overestimated the cascade of $z_ or missed an additional injection mechanism; for example, velocity shear among streams.