11R9. Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics. AIAA Education Series. - PH Zipfel (Univ of Florida, Gainesville FL). AIAA, Reston VA. 2000. 551 pp. ISBN 1-56347-456-5. $79.95.Reviewed by W Schiehlen (Inst B of Mech, Univ of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, Stuttgart, 70550, Germany).This book can be used for one- and two-semester courses as well as for self-study. It presents the fundamentals of aerospace vehicle dynamics, and for simulations, the CADAC environment is available free of charge from the AIAA home page. Both components result in an excellent learning environment. The book starts with an overview of today’s computed-aided engineering concepts also called virtual engineering. Then, the two parts of the book Modeling of Flight Dynamics with six chapters and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicles with four chapters, are introduced. In the second chapter, the mathematical concepts of modeling are discussed based on classical mechanics and tensor calculus. Most important for aerospace vehicles are frames and coordinate systems which are presented in Chapter 3. The kinematics of translation and rotation are treated in Chapter 4 using the author’s concept of the rotational time derivative which has nice invariance properties. Then, in Chapter 5 the translational dynamics are considered based on Newtonian Dynamics and the corresponding transformations in moving reference frames. The rotational dynamics presented in Chapter 6 use Euler’s Law and includes also some aspects of gyrodynamics. The full 3D equations of motion are complex and not so easy to understand. In a first step, the perturbation techniques are introduced in Chapter 7 to get some insight in the linear behavior of aerospace vehicles. However, the results are restricted particular motions. Therefore, it is quite natural to proceed to the second part of the book. Chapter 8 is devoted to three-degree-of-freedom simulations with subsystem models for the atmosphere, the gravitational attraction, the drag, and the propulsion. Five-degree-of-freedom simulations follow in Chapter 9 with extended subsystems and more detailed missile simulations. Finally, in Chapter 10, six-degree-of-freedom simulations are introduced for flat Earth and elliptic Earth equations of motion. Subsystems for aerodynamics, autopilots, actuators, inertial navigation, guidance, and infrared sensors are added. The fundamentals of Monte Carlo simulations are presented and are well-written prototypes supporting simulations. The closing Chapter, 11, is related to real-time applications in flight simulators and hardware-in-the-loop facilities. The three appendices show some matrix calculus, the CADAC primer, and several trajectory simulations. Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics is very well written, and it is strongly recommended to students of aerospace engineering and to practitioners in industry. The author has applied his techniques widely in research and development to rockets, missiles, aircraft, and spacecraft. His experience is documented in the book. The examples and problems are helpful and clear.
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