<abstract><p>The kurtosis and skewness of distributions are important measures that can describe the shape of a distribution, and there have been many results for symmetric distributions, but there are still many difficulties and challenges in the characterization of skew distributions. Based on the results of Mardia's and Song's kurtosis measures of elliptical distributions obtained by Zografos <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b1">1</xref>]</sup>, we generalize the results and study some measures for elliptical and skew-elliptical distributions. We also derive the expressions of moments of skew-elliptical distributions in terms of the ones of skew-normals and take skew-$ t $, skew-Pearson type Ⅶ and skew-Pearson type Ⅱ distributions as examples.</p></abstract>