We evaluated the prevalence of pathological visually evoked potentials (VEP) before the apppearance of papilledema or other signs of elevated intracranial pressure in children suffering from craniosynostosis. In 52 children (19 girls, 33 boys, median age 7.6 months, mean age 7.6 months, range from 3 to 34 months) preoperative VEP were analyzed. In 13 patients, pathological VEP were observed. In all children, both eyes were involved. Only 1 child suffered from papillar anomalies. Latency was pathological in 12 children, whereas the amplitude was suppressed in only 2 children. In all children with preoperative pathological VEP, postoperative controls (n = 4) were improved or normal. Thus, VEP may be the first test for neuronal damage in craniosynostosis.