ABSTRACT In the complexities of current realities, we are a writing collective of educators interested in placing hope in the present, particularly in composing practices and pedagogies. Drawing on a post-qualitative methodology, we weave together examples of practices of dance/movement, digital movie-making, and soil artivism with specific concepts of affect-as/is-hope. As a counternarrative to writing pedagogies and assessments that are increasingly standardized, product-oriented, technical, rational, and disembodied, we introduce the term de/composing pedagogies to conceptualize the potential in processes of becoming/making/meaning-making that are always something else/more/different and even less. De/composing pedagogies help us name, describe, experience, and examine – individually and collectively – what is moving us and our practices more intensely and deeply; what is making possible new ways of being/becoming/doing for us and for our co-learners (e.g. the teachers and students we work with); and what is expanding potential for us as writers/composers/educators in and across various situations and contexts. As (re)sources of hope, we close with pedagogical questions related to composing through/with elements of experimentation, embodiment, an emphasis on relation and (re)connection, ephemeral and material elements, (e)motion, and the emergence of meaning-making.
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