Quantum photonic integrated circuits are reshaping quantum networks and sensing by providing compact, efficient platforms for practical quantum applications. Despite continuous breakthroughs, integrating entangled registers into photonic devices on a CMOS-compatible platform presents significant challenges. Herein, we present single electron-nuclear spin entanglement and its integration into a silicon-carbide-on-insulator (SiCOI) waveguide. We demonstrate the successful generation of single divacancy electron spins and near-unity spin initialization of single 13C nuclear spins. Both single nuclear and electron spin can be coherently controlled and a maximally entangled state with a fidelity of 0.89 has been prepared under ambient conditions. Based on the nanoscale positioning techniques, the entangled quantum register has been further integrated into SiC photonic waveguides for the first time. We find that the intrinsic optical and spin characteristics of the register are well preserved and the fidelity of the entangled state remains as high as 0.88. Our findings highlight the promising prospects of the SiCOI platform as a compelling candidate for future scalable quantum photonic applications.
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