Purine and pyrimidine derivatives occurring in nucleic acids posses an extraordinary high ability of self-association at the electrode surface and can form there by a two-dimensional (2D) condensation a monomolecular compact film (self-assembled monolayer—SAM). The effects of methyl substituent on the 2D condensation were studied using the 5-methylcytosine molecule which is involved in gene silencing and has a great biological impact. At acid pHs, 5-methylcytosine forms at the mercury electrode a physisorbed self-assembled 2D layer at potentials close to the potential of electrocapillary maximum. From the temperature dependence of the electrode double layer capacitance, the standard Gibbs energy of adsorption (Δ G m = − 12.7 kJ mol − 1 ), lateral interaction coefficient of the Frumkin adsorption isotherm ( a c = 2.05) and area occupied by one molecule ( A = 1.31 nm 2) in the 2D layer were determined. Measurements performed on a single-crystal Au(111) surface show that the 2D condensation can take place on other substrates as well.
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