Guided by experiments contrasting electrically accelerated recovery with natural healing, this study formulates a model to investigate the importance of electroactive differential growth and morphological changes in tissue repair. It underscores the clinical potential of leveraging electroactive differential growth for improved healing outcomes. The study reveals that voltage stimulation significantly enhances the healing and growth of biological tissues, accelerating the regeneration process across various growth modalities and steering towards isotropic growth conditions that do not favor any specific growth pathways. Enhancing the electroelastic coupling parameters improves the efficacy of bioelectric devices, initiating contraction and fortification of biological tissues in alignment with the electric field. This process facilitates swift cell migration and proliferation, as well as oriented growth of tissue. In instances of strain stiffening at elevated strains, the extreme critical growth ratio aligns with the predictions of neo-Hookean models. Conversely, for tissues experiencing strain stiffening under moderate to very low strain conditions, the strain stiffening effect substantially delays the onset of electroelastic growth instability, ultimately producing a smooth, hyperelastic surface devoid of any unstable morphologies. Our investigation, grounded in nonlinear electroelastic field and perturbation theories, explores how electric fields influence differential growth and instability in biological tissues. We examine the interactions among dimensionless voltage, internal pressure, electroelastic coupling, radius ratio, and strain stiffening, revealing their effects on promoting growth and delaying instability. This framework offers insights into the mechanisms behind electroactive growth and its instabilities, contributing valuable knowledge to the tissue healing.