The major impact of increasing CO2 concentration on climate change has been recognised. Thus, efficient utilisation of renewable electricity is of increasing significant importance and development of various manner of its operation is required for our energetic and environmental sustainability. Recently, electric power storage in high-energy chemicals, called “energy carriers”, has received much attention for the efficient storage and on-demand supply of renewable electricity. Here, we demonstrate direct power charge using an alcohol/carboxylic acid redox couple. Highly transportable glycolic acid, an alcoholic compound, was successfully produced by electroreduction of oxalic acid, a dicarboxylic acid, on ubiquitous TiO2 catalysts with high efficiency and selectivity (70-95% Faradaic efficiency and >98% selectivity) under mild conditions in the potential region of -0.5 to -0.7 V vs. the RHE at 50 ºC. The most desirable characteristic of this electroreduction is the suppression of hydrogen evolution even in acidic aqueous media (Faradaic efficiency of 70–95%, pH 2.1). The detailed observation of TiO2 catalysts using scanning TEM and eels techniques provided a mechanistic insight into the highly selective catalysis. Recently, we coud demonstrate glycolic acid synthesis using an electrochemical cell consisting of the TiO2catalyst and a polymer electrolyte, i.e., a polymer electrolyte alcohol synthesis cell. Furthermore, we succeeded in electric power generation via the selective electrooxidation of glycolic acid to oxalic acid without CO2emission—specifically, carbon-neutral power generation. These results are the first experimental proof of concept for a carbon-neutral energy circulation system based on charging/discharging electric power using an alcohol/carboxylic acid redox couple[1, 2] as shown in Fig. 1. Reference [1] R. Watanabe, M. Yamauchi, M. Sadakiyo, R. Abe, T. Takeguchi, “CO2-free electric power circulation via direct charge and discharge using the glycolic acid/oxalic acid redox couple", Energy Environ. Sci. , 8, 1456-1462 (2015).[2] T. Matsumoto, M. Sadakiyo, M.L.Ooi, S.Kitano, T.Yamamoto, S.Matsumura, K. Kato, T. Takeguchi, and M. Yamauchi, “CO2-Free Power Generation on an Iron Group Nanoalloy Catalyst via Selective Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol to Oxalic Acid in Alkaline Media” , Sci. Rep. , 4,5620(2014). Figure 1
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