This paper presents a numerical analysis method for static and dynamic characteristics of cylindrical journal bearings with elastic sleeves. According to the experimental result that pressure deforms a sleeve uniformly in the axial direction, elastic cylindrical bearings are modeled as thin cylinders which are uniformly deformed by the sum of pressure along the axial direction. In order to simplify the numerical analysis of the pressure distribution and deformation of the bearing, the Reynolds equation based on the average flow theory is used. It can easily include the oil film rupture effect. Since the stiffness and damping coefficients of elastic journal bearings are dependent on frequency, the Reynolds equation, equations of elastic deformation for a journal bearing and equations of motion for bearing-rotor systems must be simultaneously solved. In this paper, a new numerical method of solving these nonlinear equations with the help of the Newton-Raphson method and the Booy-Coleman method is developed to decrease computer time.
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