We present version 3 of SmeftFR, a Mathematica package designed to generate the Feynman rules for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) including the complete set of gauge invariant operators up to dimension-6 and the complete set of bosonic operators of dimension-8. Feynman rules are generated with the use of FeynRules package, directly in the physical (mass eigenstates) basis for all fields. The complete set of interaction vertices can be derived, including all or any chosen subset of SMEFT operators. As an option, the user can also choose preferred gauge fixing, generating Feynman rules in unitary or Rξ-gauges. The novel feature in version-3 of SmeftFR is its ability to calculate SMEFT interactions consistently up to dimension-8 in EFT expansion (including quadratic dimension-6 terms) and express the vertices directly in terms of user-defined set of input-parameters. The derived Lagrangian in the mass basis can be exported in various formats supported by FeynRules, such as UFO, FeynArts, etc. Initialisation of numerical values of Wilson coefficients of higher dimension operators is interfaced to WCxf format. The package also includes a dedicated Latex generator allowing to print the result in clear human-readable form. The SmeftFR v3 is publicly available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/smeft. Program summaryProgram Title:SmeftFR v3.0CPC Library link to program files:https://doi.org/10.17632/h4787mfvfz.1Licensing provisions: GPLv3Programming language: Mathematica 12.1 or later (earlier versions were reported to have problems running this code)External routines/libraries: Wolfram Mathematica programSubprograms used:FeynRules v2.3.49 or later packageNature of problem: Automatised generation of Feynman rules in physical (mass) basis for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory with user defined operator subset, gauge fixing and input-parameters scheme selection.Solution method: Expansion of SmeftFR v2 Mathematica package [1]: implementation of the results of Ref. [2] in the FeynRules package [3], including dynamic “model files” generation.
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