
We exploit the separation of scales in weakly-bound nuclei to compute E2 transitions and electric form factors in a Halo EFT framework. The relevant degrees of freedom are the core and the halo neutron. The EFT expansion is carried out in powers of $R_{core}/R_{halo}$, where $R_{core}$ and $R_{halo}$ denote the length scales of the core and halo, respectively. We include the strong $s$-wave and $d$-wave interactions by introducing dimer fields. The dimer propagators are regulated by employing the power divergence subtraction scheme and matched to the effective range expansion in the respective channel.Electromagnetic interactions are included via minimal substitution in the Lagrangian. We demonstrate that, depending on the observable and respective partial wave, additional local gauge-invariant operators contribute in LO, NLO and higher orders.

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