Drawing the analogy to BaBiO3, we investigate via ab initio electronic structure calculations potential new superconductors of the type ATlX3 with A = Rb and Cs and X = F, Cl, and Br, with a particular emphasis on RbTlCl3. On the basis of chemical reasoning, supported by the calculations, we show that Tl-based perovskites have structural and charge instabilities driven by the lone pair effect, similar to the case of BaBiO3, effectively becoming A2Tl(+)Tl(3+)X6. We find that upon hole doping of RbTlCl3, structures without Tl(+) and Tl(3+) charge disproportionation become more stable, although the ideal cubic perovskite, often viewed as the best host for superconductivity, should not be the most stable phase in the system. The known superconductor (Sr,K)BiO3 and hole doped RbTlCl3, predicted to be most stable in the same tetragonal structure, display highly analogous calculated electronic band structures.
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