The current investigation aimed to comparatively examine the effects of minimalist, maximalist and conventional footwear on Achilles tendon forces (ATF) during running. Twelve male runners (age 23.11±5.01 years, height 1.78±0.10 cm and body mass 77.13±7.89 kg) ran at 4.0 m/s in the three footwear conditions. ATF’s were calculated using Opensim software allowing the magnitudal and temporal aspects of the ATF to be quantified. Differences between footwear were examined using one-way repeated measures ANOVA. The results showed the peak ATF was significantly larger in minimalist footwear (5.97±1.38 body weight (BW)) compared to maximalist (5.07±1.42 BW). In addition it was revealed that ATF per mile was significantly larger in minimalist (492.31±157.72 BW) in comparison to both maximalist (377.31±148.06 BW) and conventional (402.71±125.51 BW) footwear. Given the relationship between high ATF and Achilles tendon degradation, the current investigation indicated that minimalist footwear may increase runners risk for Achilles tendon injury.
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