The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the needs of teachers and students in developing interactive video learning media based on articulate storyline to improve students’ critical thinking skills in decent grade V elementary school thematic learning. Data collection was obtained through interviews with grade V teachers and field observations. Researchers obtained information based on observations made that the critical thinking skills of grade V students of SDN 3 Bumi Nabung Timur with a percentage of 58.88%. Based on observations made by researchers, obstacles were found in the implementation of teaching and learning, namely the lack of use of learning media that supports learning. The conclusion of the learning media research has met the criteria of being very feasible. used in research. The product has met practical criteria taken from the results of educator and student response questionnaires. The practicality of the product can be seen from the activities of students in using interactive video media based on articulate storyline. The effectiveness of the product taken from comparing the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills in both samples, namely the experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of the recapitulation, it is proven that the experimental class gets an effect size value of 1.50 in the large category.
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