Relevance. Vacuum therapy is used worldwide to treat acute trauma, thermal injuries, osteomyelitis, purulent wounds, urological pathology, etc. The sanogenetic effect of vacuum therapy is associated with the effect of altered barometric pressure on the tone of microvessels. However, specific mechanisms of vacuum action on the course of typical pathological processes have been poorly studied. Objective. To determine the degree of influence of barometric therapy on the severity of cellular reactions in the focus of experimental purulent inflammation. Material and methods. The study was conducted on 2 series of outbred white male rats (control and experimental). To simulate purulent inflammation, diffusion chambers of our own design filled with an aqueous suspension of a one-day culture of staphylococcus aureus were implanted under the skin of the thigh of animals. Vacuum therapy was carried out in a pressure chamber where the pressure was maintained from 0.03 to 0.05 atmospheres. The procedure was carried out every day with an exposure of 10 minutes. The material was fixed in a 10% solution of neutral formalin. Results. The following data on the development of inflammation were obtained: the thickness of the cellular shaft, the ratio of neutrophils and macrophages, the structure of cellular structures on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 15th, 20th day after implantation. Conclusion. Modeling of experimental microbial inflammation against the background of vacuum therapy resulted in a significant reduction in the duration of cellular reactions compared to the staphylococcal inflammatory process, improvement of the migratory, phagocytic, synthetic capabilities of cells implementing the inflammation process, which prevented the inflammation from protracted. Reduced barometric pressure increased the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, the rate of their migration to the inflammation site, collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, the interaction of cells in the inflammation site, and, therefore, reduced the duration of the process phases and inflammation as a whole, preventing the inflammation from becoming chronic and generalizing.
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