With the integration of regional development, regional ecological environment problems are becoming more and more severe, which has attracted extensive attention of researchers. Therefore, the 589th XiangShan Science Conference was organized to discuss how to build the regional ecology disciplinary system, and how to solve the current outstanding regional environment problems. It was agreed that regional ecological protection theory has characteristics of the current times and practical value, and the construction of regional ecological discipline is imperative. Based on the features of regional ecological problems, this paper puts forward three core theories of regional ecological protection. Firstly, the theory of “the dual coupling of ecological donor-ecological receptor”, which refers to the dual relationship of the land-land coupling and human-land coupling, are based on the ecological donor and the ecological acceptor. Land-land coupling indicates the coupling of ecological donor and receptor on space in the ecological domain, and the interdependence level between the donor and receptor determines healthy development and the ecological integrity of the ecological domain; human-land coupling refers to the coupling of the economic social system and natural ecological system in the ecological domain, and the suitability of human living environment and industries determines the degree of human-land coupling in the ecological-economic system. The second theory is the “triune theory of ecological pattern-process-function”. It was argued that the pattern is the carrier of the process, and the change of pattern leads to the change of ecological process. Process is the motivation and the driving force in forming pattern, and pattern will also respond to the change of process. The interaction of ecological pattern and process will show different ecological functions. Therefore, they are mutually affected and are reciprocal causation for each other. The regional coordinated development and ecological security can only be realized by integrated pattern, continuous process and matching function between the ecological donor and receptor. The third theory is “the suitable relationship between ecological biological capacity and regional development”, which is based on the suitability among human settlements, industrial structure, distribution, scale and natural resources & environment. Therefore, the maintenance and improvement of the ecological carrying capacity has direct effect on the sustainable development of the whole ecological domain. The economic and social development in the ecological domain must be appropriate with its ecological carrying capacity in order to realize the coordination of human-land system. From the view of the interaction among the ecological donors, ecological receptors, and ecological medium in the ecological domain, regional ecology analyzes ecological pattern, process and function in the ecological domain, and emphasizes the coupling of ecological carrying capacity as well as natural, economic and social factors. Three core-theory system is the fundamental solution to solve the land-land and human-land coordination problems, and the research results will play an important role in guiding the construction of regional ecological security pattern and space optimization, regional ecological protection and improvement of ecological service function, protection and repair technologies of regional ecological governance, as well as the optimization of regional industrial structure and distribution, etc. This theory provides new epistemology and methodology for solving current regional environmental problems.
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