The rising interest in "green" hotels is indicative of a broader trend toward eco-consciousness in the hospitality sector. Environmental concerns are currently capturing the interest of Congo's academics, businesses, and governments. Sustainable development is seen to necessitate this. The study looked at how buyers' beliefs, realistic objectives, money, and the hotel's responsibility affected their propensity to spend more for eco-friendly hotels. The purpose of this research was to identify the factors (such as consumer awareness, environmental control policies, and consumer behavior and preferences) that affect the amount that guests are prepared to pay for environmentally friendly hotel rooms. The investigation, which took place in the DRC, used a quantitative approach by analyzing data obtained from 700 hotel visitors using regression analysis. This study contributes to the literature on sustainable tourism by shedding light on the variables that influence financial backing for environmentally conscious hotel projects. It also lays the groundwork for further research, especially in understudied areas like the DRC. There was a strong correlation between environmental consciousness and the results showing that consumers' perceptions of their own efficacy significantly impacted their norms and intentions to do positively. There was a negative moderating effect of perceived price, an external cost, on the link between consumers' behavioral intentions and their personal norms