The theory of the preceding paper is applied to a number of M1, E2, and E4 electro-magnetic excitations in the ( ds) 6 space. Comparisons are made in detail with shell-model results for the pth energy-weighted sum rules, with p = 0, 1, 2 and starting states spanning the entire spectra, as well as with the exothermic-endothermic decomposition of the non-energy weighted sum rule, and the RMS fluctuations in, and correlations between, the sum-rule quantities. Further comparisons are made for the strength distributions themselves. In all cases the agreements are good, for the sum rules remarkably so, so that the statistical theory describes very well the essential features of the strength distribution. The only (partial) exception is with the usual low-lying quadrupole collectivity found microscopically for two of the starting states (for which most of the strength goes to a single final state) and predicted, though not in such detail, via a statistical calculation of the effective number of final states available for the quadrupole transitions. We are seeing here a real coexistence of collective and statistical phenomena. At higher excitations, where concentration of much of the strength into a single state is not to be expected, all the essential features should be statistically describable. As a result of the comparisons, we expect that the statistical theory, supplemented by further methods for the evaluation of the necessary input traces, should give an almost complete account of the essential features of the strength distributions, even in model spaces of arbitrarily large dimensionality.
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