Covid-19 outbreak has caused a downward spiral within the world economy and caused an enormous impact on the senior secondary education system. The sudden closure of campuses as a social distancing measure to stop community transmission has shifted face to face classes to online learning systems. This has thrown the main target on utilizing e-Learning tools and platforms for effective student engagement which can have limitations of accessibility and affordability for several students. The pandemic has exposed the shortcomings of the present senior education system in Uttar Pradesh, India and wish for more training of educators in digital technology to adapt the rapidly changing education of Uttar Pradesh. Within the post Covid-19 situation, the utilization of e-learning and virtual education may become an integral a part of the senior education system. The senior secondary institutions got to plan the post pandemic education strategies to make sure student learning outcomes and standards of educational quality. In this article we also discuss about positive & negative impact on education system during Covid-19.