We study chiral symmetry breaking for fundamental charged fermions coupled electromagnetically to photons with the inclusion of a four-fermion contact self-interaction term, characterized by coupling strengths $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ and $\ensuremath{\lambda}$, respectively. We employ multiplicatively renormalizable models for the photon dressing function and the electron-photon vertex that minimally ensures mass anomalous dimension ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}_{m}=1$. Vacuum polarization screens the interaction strength. Consequently, the pattern of dynamical mass generation for fermions is characterized by a critical number of massless fermion flavors ${N}_{f}={N}_{f}^{c}$ above which chiral symmetry is restored. This effect is in diametrical opposition to the existence of criticality for the minimum interaction strengths, ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{c}$ and ${\ensuremath{\lambda}}_{c}$, necessary to break chiral symmetry dynamically. The presence of virtual fermions dictates the nature of phase transition. Miransky scaling laws for the electromagnetic interaction strength $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ and the four-fermion coupling $\ensuremath{\lambda}$, observed for quenched QED, are replaced by a mean field power law behavior corresponding to a second-order phase transition. These results are derived analytically by employing the bifurcation analysis and are later confirmed numerically by solving the original nonlinearized gap equation. A three-dimensional critical surface is drawn in the phase space of $(\ensuremath{\alpha},\ensuremath{\lambda},{N}_{f})$ to clearly depict the interplay of their relative strengths to separate the two phases. We also compute the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ functions (${\ensuremath{\beta}}_{\ensuremath{\alpha}}$ and ${\ensuremath{\beta}}_{\ensuremath{\lambda}}$) and observe that ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{c}$ and ${\ensuremath{\lambda}}_{c}$ are their respective ultraviolet fixed points. The power law part of the momentum dependence, describing the mass function, implies ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}_{m}=1+s$, which reproduces the quenched limit trivially. We also comment on the continuum limit and the triviality of QED.
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