Hair cells of the inner ear perform the first step in the active detection of sound, converting mechanical deflections into electric signals that are transmitted to neurons. They contain mechanically gated ion channels, which open upon an increase in the tension of attached protein structures. The resulting ionic influx leads to depolarization of the cell, which triggers a cascade of events leading to the release of neurotransmitters. A number of internal cellular processes serve to enhance the response of the hair bundle to the applied signal, leading to sensitivity to displacements of just a few Angstroms in amplitude, which is below the noise levels in the ear. Further, the auditory system can sustain a broad dynamic range of sounds, spanning over 6 orders of magnitude in pressure and over 3 orders of magnitude in frequency. While a number of studies have explored the biology of the system in vivo, the in vitro studies, which allow the detailed probing of nonlinear dynamics behind this remarkable detection, have largely relied on preparations of the amphibian sacculus. This organ exhibits a number of properties that are generic to the auditory systems; however, it is primarily a vestibular organ, and its auditory detection is limited to low frequencies. In this study, we extend our prior work to preparations of the amphibian papilla, an epithelium that exhibits higher frequency selectivity and a broader range, thus allowing us to test nonlinear dynamics models previously proposed to describe the auditory system. Specifically, we will discuss the nonlinearities crucial for the performance of these cells, as well as explore the bifurcations and critical points that describe the dynamics of the response. The goal is to provide insights into the physics behind the remarkable sensitivity of the auditory system.
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