It was aimed to analyze the impact of health expenditures on medical product exports in E7 countries (Turkey, China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico) in the developing countries group in the paper. In this context, it was first performed the MADF unit root test to test the stationarity of the series in the study covering the period 2000-2017. Then it was performed the Swamy S test to determine the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the series. Finally, it was applied the Dumitrescu-Hurlin Panel causality test to determine the causality relationship between the series. As a result of the findings, it was determined that the series were stationary and heterogeneous in the first difference and that there was a bidirectional causality relationship between the two variables. In other words, both health expenditures affected medical product exports and medical product exports affected health expenditures. In this perspective, when countries' health expenditures increase, medical product exports also increase, and when medical product exports increase, health expenditures also increase.
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