Channel-based physical-layer authentication, which is capable of detecting spoofing attacks in dual-hop wireless networks with low cost and low complexity, attracted a great deal of attention from researchers. In this paper, we explore the likelihood ratio test (LRT) with cascade channel frequency response, which is optimal according to the Neyman–Pearson theorem. Since it is difficult to derive the theoretical threshold and the probability of detection for LRT, majority voting (MV) algorithm is employed as a trade-off between performance and practicality. We make decisions according to the temporal variations of channel frequency response in independent subcarriers separately, the results of which are used to achieve a hypothesis testing. Then, we analyze the theoretical false alarm rate (FAR) and miss detection rate (MDR) by quantifying the upper bound of their sum. Moreover, we develop the optimal power allocation strategy between the transmitter and the relay by minimizing the derived upper bound with the optimal decision threshold according to the relay-to-receiver channel gain. The proposed power allocation strategy takes advantage of the difference of noise power between the relay and the receiver to jointly adjust the transmit power, so as to improve the authentication performance on condition of fixed total power. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed power allocation strategy outperforms the equal power allocation in terms of FAR and MDR.
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