In recent decades, Brazilian tropical regions have experienced a significant reduction in water surface, driven by environmental and anthropogenic factors, and the state of Mato Grosso is no exception, as it hosts three biomes (Cerrado, Pantanal, and Amazon). Concerned about climate change and its effects on geo-hydrology, this study aimed to conduct a diagnosis of the water surface in the municipalities of the state of Mato Grosso. We used the AdaptaBrasil and MapBiomas platforms to identify the areas most vulnerable to geo-hydrological disasters and drought. The analysis showed that the geo-hydrological vulnerability index for the state is high (0.69), with 56% of the municipalities at high risk. On the other hand, the drought vulnerability index was low, with an average of 0.26, and 61% of the municipalities at low risk of drought. Although drought vulnerability is relatively low compared to geo-hydrological vulnerability, significant challenges persist, especially in municipalities with unregulated population growth and inadequate water resource management. Municipalities such as Colniza, Cotriguaçu, and Serra Nova Dourada are highly vulnerable to geo-hydrological conditions, while Várzea Grande, Nova Guarita, and Cuiabá are vulnerable to drought. This study emphasizes the urgent need to implement conservation measures and sustainable water resource management, including the restoration of degraded areas and the protection of remaining forests. Additionally, it is suggested that integrating state policies with federal initiatives could strengthen the state's resilience to climate change.
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