Ninotsminda oil-and-gas bearing deposit connected with the fractured-cavernous reservoirs of the Middle Eocene volcanogenic-sedimentary suite is in its final, 4th stage of development (operates since 1979). Its energy potential is determined by water drive and gas drive regimes. The main of the prevailing issues is the rapid pace and the scale of production becoming water-cut. Productive suite, that is mainly built with tuff, is anisotropic due to numerous parameters. Respectively, intervals and sections with high and low-filtration properties are identified in the geological cross-section. In addition, the producer well coverage is not dense enough and undeveloped oil-bearing zones (lenses) remain in the spaces between the wells. All of the above indicates that the field is unevenly developed, and certain oil reserves are remaining there. In the period of 2000-2006 and since 2015 the methods of horizontal well drilling and injection of technical water into the productive layer were applied to increase the oil recovery factor. In the result, production (oil and gas) noticeably increased. Application of the complex hydrodynamic methods in the future will enable us to significantly increase the remaining oil production from the stratigraphically lower, water-cut horizons of the productive suite.