This article is devoted to solving the problem of simulation modeling of the electric drive system of two induction machines with an external solid rotor, rigidly connected to each other. This design is due to research aimed at optimizing mechanical characteristics and increasing the stability of the mixing regime of mixtures of loose materials of different dispersions using a multifunctional screw-type energy converter (MFEC). The task presents difficulties from the point of view of ensuring the productivity of drying wet loose material. On the one hand, in order to ensure a given percentage of moisture reduction during its advancement along the surface of the screw, it is necessary to have a low speed of rotation of the rotor to increase the contact time of the material with the hot surface of the rotor. On the other hand, reducing the rotation speed of the rotor reduces the intensity of its heating, which negatively affects the performance of the unit as a whole. A third challenge is to provide high torque at low rotational speed to prevent high-density material from buckling. In the previous publications of the authors, a study was conducted to solve such problems due to a specific combination of motor and brake modules of the auger, but such an approach did not give positive results. Solving the specified problems is possible due to the reproduction of such a complex electromechanical system and electric drive system in the ANSYS Twin Builder software. The article shows a detailed vector field-oriented control (FOC) system applied to two modules of the screw unit. Each of the modules represents a reduced-order model (ROM) that works in coupling simulation with the electromechanical processes in ANSYS Twin Builder. This paper will be useful both for specialists in the field of electric drive and for researchers who are engaged in the development of digital twins of complex systems.
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