An evaluation of the scientific literature for trichloroethylene (TCE) identified two reports of ocular defects, specifically microphthalmia/anophthalmia, following prenatal TCE exposure in rats. Herein, these reports are analyzed in detail and interpreted within the context of other developmental TCE exposure studies. The ocular findings following prenatal TCE exposure are reported in studies that were not designed specifically for developmental safety assessment, and thus did not use standard experimental practices. Furthermore, these findings most commonly occurred at TCE doses associated with considerable maternal toxicity. Among the 18 published studies using developmental TCE exposures, only 3 used doses sufficiently high enough to result in maternal toxicity, and of these, only the 2 discussed in detail in this paper demonstrated ocular defects in the offspring. Furthermore, statistically significant effects were only observed at doses that were above the currently accepted guideline limit dose of 1000 mg/kg body weight. All other TCE developmental exposure studies failed to demonstrate ocular defects as a result of prenatal exposure. These results suggest that the micro-/anophthalmia findings were likely a consequence of delivery of an extremely high bolus TCE dose that is irrelevant to human environmental exposure scenarios.