<h3>Purpose</h3> Problems encountered during transport of an ex-vivo donor heart perfusion device can have drastic consequences on graft function. We describe a case of aortic rupture occurring during ex-vivo transport for donation after cardiac death (DCD) heart transplantation. <h3>Methods</h3> Cardiac procurement in a DCD donor was performed in the standard fashion. Upon connection to the Transmedics Organ Care System, bleeding was noted to be originating from the posterior aortic wall, likely secondary to injury caused by the cardioplegia needle, inserted into the flaccid aorta of relatively small diameter. The site was successfully repaired and transport begun. The aorta was noted to be fragile during repair. Organ function parameters remained in the acceptable ranges throughout the transfer. <h3>Results</h3> As the transport vehicle approached the recipient center, an abrupt movement of the vehicle over a speed hump was followed by sudden drop in the perfusion pressure of the donor heart. Catastrophic bleeding was noted from a defect in the ascending aorta. Bleeding was controlled with digital pressure resulting in return of satisfactory perfusion pressures. The donor heart had minimal perfusion pressure for a total of five minutes. The donor heart was transported on the OCS emergently to the operating room where cardioplegia was delivered and the organ topically cooled. A defect adjacent to the original repair site was noted (image). As this was 2cm above the sinotubular junction, this area was trimmed and the heart was implanted in the standard fashion. Subsequent graft function was good, and the recipient was separated from cardiopulmonary bypass with routine levels of support. The recipient made an uneventful post-operative recovery. <h3>Conclusion</h3> This case illustrates an injury to the posterior wall of the aorta with subsequent major bleeding occurring during ex-vivo transport. Procurement teams should be familiar with the process of emergent conversion to conventional cold static preservation during organ transport.
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