When a fast-responding static pressure probe is inserted into a flow, there are several possible mechanisms for the generation of extraneous noise. If the probe signal is cross correlated with the farfield sound, then the ’’probe noise’’ may contribute a dominant portion of the total correlatable noise from the local source region. A theoretical model is developed for predicting the distortion of ’’causality’’ correlation signatures (obtained when in-flow probes are cross correlated with the farfield sound), due to the parasitic probe noise. The predicted correlation functions agree with experiments conducted using probes of various shapes and sizes. In practice, the contaminated portion of the causality correlation signature is expected to be displaced in time from the ’’true’’ jet pressure correlation. An unexpected result of the present experiments is the absence of any legitimate correlation between the turbulent pressure fluctuations and the farfield jet noise. This leads to the conclusion that the extent and strength of the jet pressure fluctuations as noise sources must be very weak. Therefore, any probing device inserted into the flow will generally produce a large and potentially misleading portion of the total correlation.
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