Er 3+-doped β′-(Sm,Gd) 2(MoO 4) 3 crystal lines are patterned on the surface of Er 2O 3–Gd 2O 3–Sm 2O 3–MoO 3–B 2O 3 glasses by continuous-wave Yb:YVO 4 laser irradiations (wavelength: 1080 nm, power: 1.3 W, scanning speeds: 5 μm/s), and the origin of the periodicity of self-organized domain structures with high and low refractive index regions in crystal lines is examined from polarized optical microscope (POM) observations, micro-Raman scattering spectrum, and photoluminescence spectrum measurements. It is found that the periodicity of domain structures changes largely depending on Er 2O 3 content, i.e., the length of high (bright color in POM observations) and low (dark color) refractive index regions increases with increasing Er 2O 3 content and homogeneous crystal lines with no periodic domain structures are patterned in Er 2O 3–Sm 2O 3–MoO 3–B 2O 3 glass with no Gd 2O 3. Considering that the degree of ferroelasticities in β′-(Sm,Gd) 2(MoO 4) 3 crystals decreases due to the incorporation of Er 3+ ions, it is demonstrated that the origin of periodic domain structures in laser-patterned lines is due to spontaneous strains in ferroelastic β′-(Sm,Gd) 2(MoO 4) 3 crystals.
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