A novel chitosan derivative, O-acrylamidomethyl-N-[(2-hydroxy-3- dimethyldodecylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride (NMA-HDCC), was synthesized by reacting chitosan (CTS) with epoxypropyl dodecyl dimethyl quaternary ammonium salt and N-methylolacryl amide (NMA). The chemical structure of the quaternized chitosan was analyzed by FTIR and NMR. The water soluble derivative can form covalent bonding with cellulosic fibers and bring quaternary salt groups onto the fibers. Anti-bacterial as well as salt-free reactive dyeing properties of the treated cotton samples were analyzed. The NMA-HDCC treated cotton fabrics showed durable antimicrobial functions even after 30 consecutive home launderings. The cotton treated with the chitosan and different chitosan derivatives showed improved uptakes, fixation rates, K/S values and fastness of reactive dyes without using auxiliary salt.
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