Zeta-potential measurements were made to determine the electric state of phosphor materials on the basis of which a feasibility study could be performed for the use of flotation in the recovery of fine ( d 50 < 13 μm) rare earth phosphors from waste fluorescent lamps. Tests were carried out with pure specimens of white (calcium halo-phosphate), red, green and blue (rare earth) phosphors, with a 17 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio of their mixture, and with actual waste phosphor materials. The effects of a cationic (dodecyl ammonium acetate, DAA) and two anionic (sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium oleate (NaOl)) collectors on the floatability of materials, as well as that of Na 2SiO 3 dispersant on the separation characteristics, were investigated at different pH ranges. The process, applied to actual discarded waste phosphors gave, in a two-stage separation scheme, sink products assaying 17.7–23.8% and 21.5–25.9% rare earth phosphors for DAA and SDS flotation, respectively. The recovery and Newton's efficiency were about 70–90% and 0.26–0.37, 66–82% and 0.18–0.20, respectively for DAA and SDS flotation.
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