An efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm is used in the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) applications in order to compute the discrete Fourier transform. Also, a Single Path Delay Feedback (SDF) which is pipeline FFT architecture is used for faster performance to achieve high throughput. In conventional method, the FFT design has high delay and power due to time taken by the multiplication part. To decrease the delay, Kogge Stone Parallel Prefix Adder (KSPPA) is used with booth multiplier. As SDF is a simpler approach to realize FFT in different length, 64-point Radix-4 SDF-FFT algorithm using KSPPA in the booth multiplier is discussed in this study. The system is implemented in Xilinx 12.4 ISE and simulated using MODELSIM 6.3c. Results show that the system reduces the delay and power.
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