Besides traditional pinhole geometry, the multi-slit very small angle neutron scattering instrument (MS-VSANS) at the China Spallation Neutron Source also utilizes a multi-slit collimation system to focus neutrons. Using the special focusing structures, the minimum scattering vector magnitude (q) can reach 0.00028 Å−1. The special structures also lead to a significantly different smearing function. By comparing the results of theoretical calculations with experimental data, we have validated the feasibility of a smearing method based on a mature theory for slit smearing. We use the weight-averaged intensity of neutron wavelength as a representative to evaluate the effect from a broad wavelength distribution, concentrating on the effect from the geometry of the multi-slit structures and the detector. The consistency of the theoretical calculation of the smearing function with experimental VSANS scattering profiles for a series of polystyrene standards of different diameters proves the feasibility of the smearing method. This marks the inaugural use of real experimental data from an instrument employing a multi-slit collimation system.
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