The precise distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-, neuropeptide Y (NPY)-, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir) fibers in the cat's laryngeal glands was examined by immunoelectronmicroscopy. A relatively dense population of VIP-ir fibers was recognized close to the basal lamina of the glandular and myoepithelial cells. Some VIP-ir fibers contacted with the basal lamina and some of them pierced it and ran intercellularly in the adjoining glandular cells without making synaptic contacts with them. NPY- and TH-ir fibers were located in the vicinity of the basal lamina, but they were less abundant than VIP-ir fibers at this region. They never terminated or penetrated the basal lamina. Pattern of distribution of TH-ir fibers was similar to that of NPY-ir fibers. The estimated ratio of VIP-, TH-, and NPY-ir fibers was 20:4:1 from the density of fibers in the laryngeal glands. This value was equal between serous and mucous glandular cells, so both types of glandular cells may receive the same pattern of autonomic innervation.
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