Recognizing ancient cursive handwritten characters presents unique challenges due to the diversity of writing styles and significant class imbalances, where some characters have disproportionately more samples than others. This imbalance leads to higher misclassification rates for minority classes compared to majority classes. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework that integrates learnable channel and spatial attention modules to effectively align features between source and target domains for better representation. Our approach incorporates a learnable sequential feature alignment process that dynamically adjusts to the specific characteristics of the data, enhancing the transfer of knowledge across domains. Furthermore, we introduce an attention-based augmentation module to amplify the influence of tail classes. This module leverages class activation maps to identify and augment discriminative features, ensuring the model focuses on the most semantically rich regions, particularly for minority classes. As a result, it aligns the weight norms of minority classes with those of majority classes, effectively mitigating the limitations posed by imbalanced class distributions. This approach effectively mitigates the constraints posed by imbalanced character distributions in ancient handwritten documents. The proposed method increases the accuracy for the CCR, Hanja, Nancho, and Kuzushiji datasets.