symposium summary ISSN 1948‐6596 Teaching biogeographic concepts and conservation biogeography 1 st Symposium of Systematics and Biogeography of Minas Gerais State — Diamantina, Bra‐ zil,15 th –17 th October 2012 Systematics and biogeography are two fields of natural sciences which have grown considerably in recent years. Both disciplines have been instru‐ mental in driving knowledge of the Brazilian Cer‐ rado, a global hotspot for biodiversity (Myers et al. 2000), and especially the Espinhaco Mountain Range. This range, at more than 1200 km, repre‐ sents the longest orogenic belt of Brazil. The land‐ scape is composed of a mosaic of bare exposed rocks and dense, mainly riparian, forests. It is a unique region housing many endemic species and its southern portion provided a spectacular back‐ drop for the 1 st Symposium of Systematics and Bio‐ geography which was convened in part to redress the still limited disciplinary training available for undergraduate students despite the rapid devel‐ opment of biogeography in Brazil. The relationship between Systematics and Biogeography was considered first by outlining the historical development of Comparative Biol‐ ogy, stressing the importance of taxonomy and its profound impact in studies of evolution and bio‐ geography. Modern biogeography was invigorated by Leon Croizat, who famously recognized that “Life and Earth evolve together” (Croizat, 1964), and thus Eduardo Almeida (University of Sao Paulo) posited that all biogeographers are, ulti‐ mately, systematic researchers of specific organ‐ isms. That topic was complemented by considera‐ tion of the historical development of biogeogra‐ phy, including the importance of biogeographical methods for investigating dispersal or vicariant events, the latter analyzed under panbio‐ geographic or cladistic perspectives (Silvio Nihei, University of Sao Paulo). Subsequently, both Almeida and Nihei discussed the current state of biogeography in Brazil, illustrating important con‐ tributions by development of computer programs for biogeographic analysis and the chronology of the highest impact publications. These accom‐ plishments contrast with the lack of recognition of biogeography as a post‐graduate subject in Brazil and the lack of support for PhD researchers, which may in the future constrain biogeographic knowl‐ edge in Brazil. Almeida and Nihei also highlighted the possible unhealthy trade‐off between quantity and quality of knowledge driven by the ‘publish‐or ‐perish’ culture that is becoming ever more appar‐ ent in Brazilian institutions. Better understanding of cutting edge biogeographical methods among Brazilian students and researchers is essential to move beyond simplistic hypotheses for distinct taxa. Discussion subsequently focused on Geo‐ graphical Distribution Areas and Endemism, a topic introduced by Marcio Bernardino da Silva (Federal University of Paraiba) talking about the development of the endemism concept. In the early 18 th Century, biogeographers considered areas of endemism as simply species ranges de‐ limited by geographical barriers. Today, areas of endemism are the basic working unit of historical biogeography, and their delimitation is of funda‐ mental importance. Silva presented his own re‐ search on endemic areas in the Atlantic Forest using harvestman. Gleyce Dutra (Federal Univer‐ sity of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys [UFVJM]) then outlined the importance of geoprocessing tools for species distribution modeling (SDM) methods, stressing the difference between the actual niche, realized niche, and fundamental niche, and that the precision of predicted distribu‐ tions is dependent on the amount and quality of the input data. She then demonstrated the effi‐ ciency of SDM compared to the still widespread practice of uniting points of occurrence. Silva and Dutra debated the use of endemic areas as a premise for delimiting areas for conservation. Silva argued that, despite the wide availability of various tools for delimiting endemic areas, they are not being incorporated into conservation pol‐ icy. Dutra cautioned about the misapplication of such tools for making conservation decisions. These concepts were illustrated by case studies in modern biogeography of the Cerrado and the Espinhaco Mountain Range. Growth in frontiers of biogeography 5.2, 2013 — © 2013 the authors; journal compilation © 2013 The International Biogeography Society
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