In this chapter, we present a model for an entry-level lab-based undergraduate environmental chemistry course delivered simultaneously by face-to-face and distance modalities. This course frames conceptual chemistry using the theme of Alaskan Arctic environmental issues in order to increase engagement and perceived relevance of chemical principles. Synchronously delivered lectures and guided discussions along with the incorporation of peer-mentored research projects encourage the development of a learning community among students in the course. Distance students participate in the same virtual and "kitchen" lab experiments as on-campus students, thus providing an educationally equivalent curriculum to all. In mixed teams of on-campus and distance students, all students participate in research projects to allow entry-level students to explore their interests in STEM fields. Students thereby begin to build an identity as a scientist and hopefully this course will serve as a mechanism to improve recruitment and retention of students, especially from traditionally underrepresented groups, in the chemical sciences and other STEM fields of study. Responses from the first course offering communicated positive attitudes toward the course content and methods.
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