The study aims to obtain results showing the functioning of the Mari language in the school education system starting with its first appearance in the curriculum up to its current disadvantaged position in Mari El schools. Some reasons that have led to this situation are also identified. To solve the problem, the author reviews the available scientific works of Mari and other scholars, census and sociological survey data, as well as federal and regional laws relating to the education system and the Mari language. Attention is also paid to those significant events in the country that influenced both the state of the education system and the psychological mood of the population. The article consists of two sections – the Mari language in the past and in the present. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first to show the functioning of the Mari language in school education in comparison, covering both the 18th and 19th centuries and the 21st one. The 20th century was omitted deliberately, as it has already been described in a number of the author’s earlier papers. The results obtained showed that the situation with the study of the Mari language in schools is still unsatisfactory for a number of reasons and that the regional authorities pay insufficient attention to the vitality of the Mari language, the preservation of which directly depends on its position in the school education system.
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