The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying and analyzing the conceptual frameworks and dynamics of the steadily growing research interest in the transformative potential of non-formal education. The main research question addresses the leading features of the identified conceptual and thematic interlink, correlation between non-formal education and transformative learning, as it has developed over the past 2 decades. The methodology of the study combines bibliometric analysis and literature review of a broad range of selected samples of articles, scientific reports and books (based on data available in Scopus) after 2000. The analysis of the data has clearly demonstrated that, during the period under review, the interrelationships between transformative learning and nonformal education has been in the focus of research increasing quantitative dimensions and an expanding holistic conceptual scope. The latter relates primarily to the field of lifelong learning by adults and young adults with a focus on education for sustainable development. These conclusions give ground to expectations that non-formal education will continue to set innovative directions for transformative learning and development.