We present the electron tunneling transport and spectroscopic characters of a superconducting (SC) Josephson junction with a barrier of a single anisotropic Kitaev quantum spin liquid (QSL) layer. We find that the dynamical spin-correlation features are well reflected in the direct-current differential conductance $d{I}^{c}/dV$ of single-particle tunneling, including the unique spin gap and dressed itinerant Majorana dispersive band, in addition to an energy shift $2\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}$ from the two-SC-lead gap. From the spectral characters, we identify different topological quantum phases of the anisotropic Kitaev QSL. We also present the zero-voltage Josephson current ${I}^{s}$, which displays residual features of the anisotropic Kitaev QSL. These results pave a new path to measurement of dynamical spinon or Majorana fermion spectroscopy of Kitaev and other spin-liquid materials.